The point bachelorette party was June 3-5 in Charleston (my fave!!) and I had the BEST time and have the bestest bridesmaids ever!!!!!!!!! Truly a grand time had by all. And if you were not there to witness my dance moves, well, then I feel sorry for you. I mean, I had at least two people ask me where I got a couple of my moves and a few people that gave me the "Wow...that is talent" look.....either that or "wow bachelorette on the loose, someone get her out of here before she hurts herself".
I'm getting ahead of myself. I started out the weekend going to see "Bridesmaids" with Courtney and Rachel. Are you kidddddinnnngggggg meeeee. I laughed from the very first opening scene all the way to the closing credits. HIGHlarious. That is the funniest laugh out loud movie I have seen since Dumb and Dumber. I can't wait to buy it!!!!!! If I had been drinking milk it would have come out my nose (I always liked that mental picture, but it's never happened to me. I think I'll go back and see the movie and drink some milk). Anywho, after we were done cackling we headed home to rest up for the big weekend extravaganza.
On Friday, we had lunch at Fleet Landing (that place is sooooo yuuummmy and the food is pure southern cuisine along with the killer atmosphere right on the water). We strolled through the Market and I pointed out three things I could make for my wedding and almost bought a beautiful coral necklace that now thinking about it makes me regret not purchasing it.....arg. We then headed to the house that we rented and set up the party time!!! My girlfriends were soon all there and it was time for lingerie!!!!!! (I wish I could have sneaked in the house when I got home without J spying the VS bags but it was kind of obvious :). We played a few games (if you know me I LOVE GAMES) and then the party started with a little flip cup. SO FUN!!!!! I'll stop there lol.
The next day we headed to OUR YACHT :) and layed out and drank mimosas and it was so great to see a couple of other girls that joined us!!! It was so calming and relaxing and so wonderful to catch up with all my best girlfriends and talk and laugh! Loved it!!! Afterwards, we headed home for a little more flipcup while getting ready and headed to O-Ku for supper. I love sushi so much and this place had great sushi, great drinks, and great ambience. Then out and about we went, barhopping and dancing the night away at Henry's, Mad River, and....I don't even know where we ended up - IT WAS PERFECT! The Dare game was a fun factor and I hope I didn't annoy toooooo many people with my fluffy pink boa. I vaguely remember tossing it around and being what I thought was..cute :)
The pictures were fabulous and really captured the essence of the night. Let's go through a few of them.
Here's how the night started out....very tasteful, if I say so myself:


Here's where it got interesting. Leslie has that effect on me ;)

Here is where the boa became a little fun for me (sorry Kat).

Hahahaha you think you can out dance me???

I do nawt think so. Let me show you a little something:

Above, as you can see, I am also trying out a new dance hairdo created by my bridesmaid, Ashley Weatherford, it really helps with ease of movement and clear vision. Try it, I highly recommend it.
And here, of course, I am scouting the dance floor for my next victim, errrr, dance partner.....

And they all danced happily ever after into the night. Don't stop believin'. Hold onto that feeling.
Til next time folks (won't be as long, I promise!) I tried on my wedding dress for the first time today....eeeeeeeks.....that's to come!! :)
Sara Bernice