But, I do want to take a moment and say God bless those in Japan that are suffering and peace be with everyone who has been affected. I am praying.
On a much lighter note, the first day of spring was Sunday and it was absolutely beautiful. The hubby-to-be and me were able to get outside and enjoy it for awhile when all of a sudden I remembered after my 200th sneeze in a row that although the first day of spring means colorful flowers, sunshine, cool breezes, first excited sunburns for the year and upcoming Easter bunnies it also means that the ever elusive and evil pollen is just around the corner if not already burrowed deep into your nostrils. Being that I am allergic to 'outside' (I came up with that diagnosis myself after my allergy test came back positive for every plant, tree, and flower known in SC), it can be difficult at first to really enjoy the first onset of warm weather when you're blowing your nose every 5 seconds and trying not to sneeze on someone during a conversation. I do take my claritin, zyrtec, vitamin c, etc. and I do have a humidifier, but is it possible to utilize your a/c unit and vents as an entire house humidifier?? Just a thought. I can't complain too much, I really do prefer my vehicle to just be a yellow traveling sneeze machine. Sike.
Second, if you didn't get to see the SUPER moon on Saturday it was pretty awesome as well. It was a lot bigger and very bright, but with all of the disastrous events occuring recently, it did cross my mind that the moon controls the tides and I got a little nervous. But, I am a worrier, that's why my friends call me whiskers......(you'll get it if you've seen the best of Will Ferrell on SNL). I do not put anything past mother nature these days. She has been strong arming everything. However, she does have a Creator that cannot be underestimated. I'll stop with that thought.
God Bless. G'night. Don't let the bed bugs bite (sick -- can anyone even say this anymore?).