Monday, May 30, 2011

We Should Shave Lightening Bolts On Her Sides

LIFE LESSON #345: Never, I repeat, NEVER let your boyfriend/fiance/hubby give your dog a "trim".  I knew this was a bad idea from the get-go, but I felt really bad for Bella as she was panting while sitting on the couch.   OK, you should probably also know that our A/C went out for like a week - but it was the cool week we had and with the windows open, it turned out not to be that bad...ugh it was gross for a few days though.  Anywho, back to Bella.  As you can see from the picture (if you haven't already had the pleasure of making her aquaintance) she is a long-haired chi and the last time I took Bella to get her summer haircut she came back looking like a Bert instead of a Bella.  She looked like a boy and I was not pleased - I couldn't even put bows in her hair to help make her look more girly because it was so short and she looked like a dude in a dress - it just wasn't right on all levels.  But I had to do something and quick.  It was so bad she would mosey on outside to potty and come back in panting and plop down on the cool tile floor in the kitchen just looking up at me like please mommy I dont mind the dude cut, I'm so hotttt.  So, as you can see, when Jason suggested a quick trim it actually sounded like a good the time.

Let me repeat - never let your man get near your dog with any sort of shearing, cutting, trimming tool of any kind.  So, Jason charges up his beard trimmer - oh yeah - and prepares to give his daughter what he thinks is the best gift ever.  Mind you, I was not around while he was doing this - lucky for him, not for Bella.  I leave for the grocery store and Jason takes Bella outside and trims her real good (his words not mine).  I come home, not knowing the horrible sight I would walk in on, and put the groceries up and look down at my poor dog.  It was a sad, sad sight.  Not only did she look like a boy again (!$#*$Y@*) but she had patches - oh yes - patches of hair missing, her ears were hairless and her butt was bare. Like one of those baboons you see with the blue bare butts (gross).  Yes, she looked like a homeless little pathetic boy puppy that got in a fight with a pair of shears and lost.  You could tell she was so mad and hated it so much.  I don't think she even looked at him for days.  She already has sensitive skin and the close-cut "skin trim" did not help.  Now she was still hot, and ugly and itchy on top of it!!  Jason tried to convince me that she was so much happier and cooler with the new sporty summer 'do, but I just picked her up and promised her that I would never let Daddy do that to her again.  I would upload a picture, but Boofy would never forgive me.

It's growing back now (in patches) and she is starting to look like normal again - thank goodness she was blessed with fast-growing hair genes!  And a killer coat.  From now on, she will be the proud owner of a professionally groomed "trim" each month in the summer time. Plus, she'll smell fabulous and get a free neckerchief to sport!! She loves accessories.

It's all my fault - I should have known better when Jason said to me when he first met Bella, "we should shave lightening bolts on her sides to make her look faster".

Another lesson learned!

Sara Bernice

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