Listen, if a Prince song doesn't get your motor goin' I don't know what will, I mean, you must be a corpse or even worse too serious for your own good. His songs just ooze passion, sexy, funky, the best beats and originality. He is a musical genius. Music nowadays does not even compare to his. Don't judge me - you know you secretly got fired up to a little 'Kiss' or '1999' in your hay day.
Well, Prince is coming to Charleston March 30, and yes my friends neither hurricane nor snow storm (?) nor speeding ticket will prevent me from screaming 'Purple Rain' from the top of my lungs LIVE. I have seen him one other time in Columbia with my poor willing friend Courtney who I dragged with me and she had a blast - well how can you's PRINCE. Yes, he is old and his prime is behind us I'm sure, but he is still one of the best performers around and puts on a dang good show (i.e. AMAZING) even for the regular folks who aren't in love with him. I think he is that celebrity for me that if I saw him up close and personal I would probably faint or throw up.
For your reading pleasure, here is a list of my top 10 Prince songs and my favorite line from each:
10. U Got The Look - "Your face is jammin', your body's hecka-slammin'" - do lyrics get any better than that??
9. 1999 - "I got a lion in my pocket and baby he's ready to roar" - hahahaha
8. Cream - "You're so cool, Everything you do is success, Make the rules, Then break them all cuz you are the best" - he knows me so well it's crazy.
7. Raspberry Beret - "she wasn't 2 bright but I could tell when she kissed me she knew how 2 get her kicks" - such a romantical...sigh..swoon ;)
6. Let's Go Crazy - "Look for the purple banana, 'til they put us in the truck, let's go" - huh? doesn't matter. awesome adrenaline pumping song.
5. I Would Die 4 U - "make u happy when you're sad, make u good when u r bad" - who doesn't want that in a man??
4. Little Red Corvette - "I say the ride is so smooooooooth, you must be a limousine". Ow ow! This song is dirtayyy and I heart it.
3. Nothing Compares 2 U - such a powerful and beautiful ballad it hurts to pick one line.
2. Diamonds and Pearls - "D to the I to the A to the M, O to the N to the D, to the pearls of love" - a girls' best friend and a crazy beautiful song. I LOVE this song sooo much.
1. PURPLE RAIN - "I never meant to cause you any sorrow.." Why is that my fave line you ask...cuz it's the first one and that means the song is just starting :) Best cigarette-lighter funky rock ballad everrrrrr. Nothing can touch this song. I cried when I saw him play this live with his purple guitar. Embarrasing but true and life changing.
OK, I am off my Prince soap box. For now ;)
Sweet sexy purple dreams.
I guess since i'm born the same year as he was - i'm OLD too.... but i have to say that i'm right there with you Sara AND THAT IS a picture of A true ARTIST - He is TIMELESS. If i went to see him - i'd have to make sure that i sat/stood away from you so that i wouldn't embarrass you! Because i can sing ALL of those songs TOO PLUS - i usually dance around the room while i'm doing it! And driving down the road to his music - makes the day brighter and the ride smoother. Thanks for the smile.
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome post!! haha. This just made my day. Btw, I'm sooo glad I went to that concert with you becasue it changed my life!! Can't wait to see him again on the 30th....its going to be magical!