Ahhh yesss another jam-packed weekend full of fun parties and exciting wedding stuff! We'll start with Thursday though. I just have to mention the Myrtle Beach SkyWheel VIP opening that Jason and I attended Thursday night. It was so great to see such a fun, family-friendly place packed with so many people that want great things for the Grand Strand! I hope everyone will go check it out and ride the wheel and partake in the new Jimmy Buffet restaurant, LandShark Bar & Grille, located right next to/underneath it. It's right smack on the ocean and even if you're too cowardly to take a ride at least sit on their patio, grab a tropical cocktail (the strawberry margarita is yummy!) and enjoy the ocean view!!
On Saturday, I enjoyed a nice day on the beach with my cuz, Taylor Ann and my Aunt Sabrina - much needed! Then the party marathon began! Our sweet niece, Lillian, turned 1 - and her party was Saturdee afternoon. It was a baby pool party. Yes, a babyyyyy pooooool parttyyyyy. There were babies galore and let me tell you - Jason and I were a little overwhelmed! They were everywhere. There was a bouncy blow-up machine thingy with little ones jumping around screaming and for a moment I felt like Reese Witherspoon in "Four Christmases" and started chuckling to myself, just picturing myself in there with the kids and me freaking out!!
Well, needless to say, we survived the kiddie circus and quickly scurried home for a 20 minute cat-nap before heading to Chris and Ferris' engagement party!! Such a fun night!! I have to say the highlight of my evening was watching Landon and Jake run around, their 1 and 3 yr. old nephews....wait, what??...maybe the baby party rubbed off on me a little.....did I mention we made it a late night at Revo's following the party??!! Wow, my dancing skills are still delightful - I've still got it! Oh yeah.
On Sunday, I went over to my sweet Mom's house to help her finish up the invitations, I had no idea they would be so in depth and take so long to get out! My caligraphist (Ma) worked so hard on them and we finished up the final touches, with a gorgeous seal - I only burned my finger twice with the wax! I am so pleased with them and can't wait for folks to get them! Sandra is for hire, FYI, and you will see that her handwriting is GORGE! Message me for her number ;)
Happy Work Week friends!!
Sara Bernice
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