Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday's Things I Must Have but Don't Need!

There are a million trillion things I see every day that I want. I see another girl's shoes..I want them. I see a new app...I want it. I see a puppy...I want it. I see cake....gimme. But, I know that I cannot have all these things. Some may say, oh it's called will power, being an adult, responsibility. I say why not create a website where everytime you're online and you see something you like you can pin it on a board that you can reference and see other people's cool things and oh wait.  I'll just make a list.

So, here is some fun, unique stuff I found that we ladies must have from one of my fave websites!

Fruit Jackets
Fruit jackets!
I always throw a banana in my purse for breakfast and when I get to work it is bruised half the time! Genius!
FingerFood Party Plates

FingerFood Party Plates!
You know you would use this at the next shower, wedding, mixer, whatevs. This is hysterical yet brilliant.

Aromatherapy Pillow Inserts
Aromatherapy Pillow Inserts!
Have trouble sleeping? Love the fresh smell of nice clean sheets? Get your lady fingers on these! Ahhhhh :)

Flavor Savor Mustaches!
Just because they're HIGHlarious.

Ginger Peach, Cranberry Fizz, and Red Velvet Bath Cupcakes
Bath cupcakes!
Bath time plus sweets = I want!!!

ENJOY! xoxo

Sara Bernice

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